Hirune ACT 0
( 05/06/11 )
Hirune first voicebank. It have a lot of errors and is difficult to use it. I can just wish good luck if you will use it.
Hirune ACT 1
( 05/07/11 )
A improved Hirune voicebank. The notes are longer and some other changes were made. SOME NOTES were recorded when the voicer got cold, so, the note can be a little, erm...strange... There's a OTO.ini presence with Aliases that was made by Legendmaker12. All notes have a noise in the back, that her creator can't remove. She can sing opera in this voicebank.
OTO.ini ( ACT 1 ) by Legendmaker12
Put the oto.ini file in the Hirune voice folder. It was Legendmaker12 who made her OTO.ini.
Hirune ACT 1 Updated
She can breath with this voicebank, you don't need to download the oto.ini separated. Her image changed too.